About Mary Walker


I am a poet, writer and creator living in a valley nestled at the foot of the Remutaka Ranges in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I acknowledge Maori as tangata whenua and custodians of Aotearoa.

We are a family of five humans, four beloved cats, one dear old dog (see above), plus all the birds and creatures that call this valley home and, of course, the land.

Prior to this creative life I was a lawyer. I left that for… something, anything else. I didn’t know what. So I tried new things, loved working with young people, and ended up happily pursuing questions like what makes humans tick, what are we capable of, what calls us to lead, what kind of leadership actually makes a difference, what is ‘purpose’, what does it mean to follow our callings, who are we and what are we all doing here?

Mostly I love the mystery and magic of being alive. How about you?


This is where I live…


I spend a lot of time at home, outside, often alone, which I love. It’s part of how and why I do what I do. Writing poetry and being held by the land connect me to the most essential part of myself.

I hope my writing carries this energy—a sense of connection to our essential self, to Life and to the world around us.


This is what I see


This is what I do

I write poems and I write about living here. Much of it is available to read here on my website.

My first book of poetry, Lullaby for Mothers: motherhood in poems, was published in 2019. My second book, This Land Will Hold You will be released in 2022.

I also contribute regularly to The Gardener’s Journal.

I offer a weekly email poetry subscription called A Beautiful Beginning. (Do you receive it? It’s free!) In 2022 am hosting Written, a space and support for people who want to write. Every week we have a 60 minute guided writing session, and monthly gatherings. New and experienced writers are both welcome.

I also offer poetry workshops and courses about writing and the creative process. Past courses include A Fresh Page, and the poetry workshops Walk With Me and It’s Not Too Late. Meet Your Creative Self is my 8 week immersion in getting to know your creative self.

Together with Marion Rose I offer the course Conversations with Life. Our 2022 round is coming soon.


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