Free ebook

šŸ’“ FREE ebook šŸ’“

Before all the world decided to stay at home for the good of humanity (and the planet - yay all of us šŸ’Ŗ) I had been posting out copies of Lullaby for Mothers for friends here, or on behalf of friends, or for people I don't know but who said they'd like one. 

It felt so good to do that. It felt radical and freeing. The energy that became the book is alive and true and tells me what to do (crazy, but oh so true). This is what our creative energy is like. It doesn't go into a thing we make and then become inert. It carries on and it wants to be experienced. 

The extraordinarily brilliant physicist Carlo Rovelli said something in a podcast some time ago and it had a huge impact on me. I listened again yesterday and was flattened by it all over again:

"A stone is a momentary getting together of sand." šŸ˜³

The world is not a collection of objects. it is not even the swirling, shifting energy, the very idea of which had us all reeling some years ago. The latest understanding in science is that the world is an experience. The world is a series of experiences. Again, šŸ˜³.

That's a digression, but one worth taking.

The point is, what we create is not done once it has been created. A painting on a wall might be finished by the artist, but its life in the world is just beginning. The energy of that work doesn't hang on the wall, it hangs in the space between itself and the person that gazes at it. It exists in the moment it is observed. 


I would love to continue sending Lullaby for Mothers into the world. I have copies here that are for just that. Once life settles into its next iteration of "normal" (assuming that includes being able to go to the post office), I'll make this offer again (or tell me now, and I'll get it ready for later!).

But in the meantime, the ebook version of Lullaby for Mothers is now on my website, and you can download this for free. It has exactly the same beautiful art, intent and layout. It contains the same energy. It was written with love, and it wants to find its way to those who could do with some motherly love right now. 

You can find the link right here.

Lots of love to you,
Mary xx